菠菜拉面 Spinach Ramen



Spinach ramen is made from spinach that is crushed into powder. Spinach is rich in beta-carotene and is an important source of vitamin B6, folic acid, iron and potassium. For example, iron can help to prevent anemia due to lack of blood and return vitality to a person’s appearance. Spinach also contain chrome and other composition such as insulin that can stabilize the level of blood sugar. Meanwhile, vitamin B can prevent angular cheilitis, night blindness and other diseases. Spinach is also rich in anti-oxidants such as vitamin E and selenium that can prevent aging, stimulate cell growth, activate the brain, revitalize the body, and prevent brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease. According to a Harvard University’s study, elderly people who take spinach 2 to 4 times a week will get enough vitamin A to protect their eyesight and reduce the risk of retina degeneration.

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